Multiply What is Good - to Help Save America
It's not what you think, but we all can do it. Progressives think it's more complicated than it is. Because we have neglected these things is why we are hurting so bad as a nation right now ...
We need to stop making things more complicated than they have to be.
What is wrong with the world? Well, a lot of things aren’t right with the world that’s for sure. But that shouldn’t be our burden. Instead, what are the good things we should be doing that we are avoiding, ignoring, or missing? Our dismissal of these few good things (because we assume others are doing it - and enough people are not!) lands us in the spot we are in today: overwhelmed with the bad.
Now that I have your head doing summersaults, here is my point: I think we need to focus on what is good and figure out how to replicate and multiply that good.
As we invest in and multiply “light” (good, hope, encouragement) it will expand and replace the bad with better.
The question is: what are the things we can do that if we will invest time, talent and resources into it - it will grow up (or expand) to replace the evil for something more wholesome?
What is Our Mission as Humans Loving God?
As humans who want to “do our best” with the time we have on this earth, have three goals in life:
Be responsible with who we are: are we living in a way that the Father would say ‘Well Done, faithful servant.’
Invest in others.
Build what is good, and destroy what is evil.
In many ways we need “more of the good” and in other ways we need to replace the evil with the good.
So where to start? What are the easy steps we can do in this moment to be part of positive resolve and solutions? I’ll tell you.
Invest in Children
It’s that simple. Invest in children.
Get married and have babies; multiply in the earth those who are taught what is good and right and true (Read Brad Wilcox’s ‘Get Married’ book)
Adopt children in need of homes
Foster children who need a resting place while their parents are getting well
Mentor children in your midst whom you see as having potential
Help a family member: the least we can do is be there for brothers and sisters who have children (or cousins who are raising their little ones). We can volunteer to babysit, help supply resources that might be lacking, we can be part of these living units (it’s good for them and us).
Live Out (Demonstrate) What You Believe
We should always be on the alert: is what we are living out in step with our faith? Who we are - is it as a person of integrity and character? If we want a better world, are we serving as the first point for selling that vision? How are we as marketing billboards (our lifestyle, our standards) as to what we “say” we believe?
Do we have good virtues as an individual and a family?
Do we demonstrate personal responsibility?
Are we being generous - or stingy?
Are we being friendly, inviting to others - smiling?
Are we giving kindness even to the those who have done us wrong?
Our actions should speak of our faith. Our outward behavior should point people to something more positive. Our endeavors to influence the world should be more than just rants on social media and throwing jabs at elected leaders who don’t agree with us.
We must walk out our front door and love the people around us.
Educate Others
Teach others truth. How will they know unless they are told? We say this about telling others about Jesus and sending people to Africa and the Middle East to share the gospel. But why don’t we have the sample philosophy for other topics?
In today’s day and age people don’t know how to have healthy marriages, how to do fatherhood, how to keep the balance as a mom in a social media comparison world. People don’t know American history. Many young adults may not even know how to read. Find the topic that you are equipped to teach and put feelers out there for where it would be helpful. And take time to help others rise to their level of potential.
Host seminars
Create bookclubs
Encourage adults to bring kids along for experiences
Talk about what you are reading: embrace different perspectives, learn from history and make parallels to what is happening today
Invite people to take tours
Host monthly dinner parties
Do online Zoom classes
Invite people for the joy of discovery and dignity to better ourselves. Don’t do it with a spirit of condemnation or judgment. Create the opportunity and invite people to be part of the process with you because you and I are still learning too.
Saving America is Simple
God is good. He never put us in a situation that is too impossible. We try to over analyze and over complicate things (it’s one of our many stumbling blocks at humans) but let’s go back to what we were created to do:
Worship God
Get Married (for those who are called to do so) and have children
Love our neighbor
Live out our faith through actions and share it with others
As more and more people step up to say “I’ll do something!” We must multiply what is good. And as we do, America will become a better place.
More Resources
Free handouts and resources: Click here
Amy’s Academy Teachable Store: Networking, Marketing, and Communication
Sign up: Amy’s Communication/Political Email list for Michigan (Use as samples for your state!)
Portfolio: See some of the work I’ve done and who I’ve worked with
Media Packet: Download Amy’s Media packet
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